

Another successful season done and dusted, with few issues causing any serious angst.

It was good to see members embrace new formats on Wednesday pennants and the President’s Cup. Constructive observations and feedback from members re possible ways to expand/improve these two competitions have been discussed at executive level and are likely to be implemented.

Fortunately, Covid had little serious impact on clubs which helped facilitate a successful season.

My congratulations to all the successful teams in the finals.

One issue which must be addressed is the need to increase the pool of umpires and measurers. I urge clubs to encourage their members to nominate when courses are offered at the Association level for training in these areas.

Financially the Association is in reasonably good condition which is encouraging for the future.

Personally, I wish to thank the regular attendees of the Executive committee who have worked well as a team and have been very constructive and fair minded in their contribution to the operation and administration of Association affairs.  My gratitude is also extended to individual clubs and their committees who without exception have been supportive and constructive in their interaction with the HBA executive.

Well done to representative players/selectors for their work with some great results for our teams, let it continue!

A special mention to our Secretary Terry Stephen for the mountain of work he did and is still doing. The executive has come up with a strategy to reduce his workload to make his life a bit easier. Clubs and members can assist with this aim by making greater use of the online resources/information on the Hills website which Terry has put in place just for that reason.

Also, a special mention to our regional representative Mr. Wayne Lee for all the work he does, especially away from the Association, his knowledge, experience and logical measured consideration of issues is of huge benefit to this Association.

I personally thank all members for their constructive support and advice and suggestions. Respectful communications go a long way to creating a harmonious environment where issues can be sensibly and rationally discussed, and the best outcome achieved. From my perspective this was certainly the case.

In summary I believe there is still an opportunity to make positive changes to the Constitution/Match rules to enhance our involvement in this wonderful sport and to encourage new players to join us. I have undertaken a review of said constitution and match rules and will in the near future pass on my suggestions to clubs and members for consideration.

I look forward with great optimism to the forthcoming season. 

Tony Mik